Tuesday, December 5, 2006


As you can see below, we are either working very hard, or having some fun now and again. Ricardo, who speaks English is Kenny's new best friend. He is making trips to the hardware and lumber yard possible, runs the Brazilian crew, and helps with carpentry. Ricardo was the first convert here many years ago, has successfully planted one church, raised up leaders there and is in the process of planting a second as he pastors both. An amazing man with a wonderful testimony! You should come visit sometime. He'd be glad to share it. What a blessing to work side by side with men of God like him.
Pray that Kenny, Seth and Ricardo can finish what they started! That is Kenny's main concern. My prayer request for the day is that we will all obey the Holy Spirit's leading as we go into this conference "blind" in many respects.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well dad (Kenny), I'm sure you're relieved that you have access to a hardware store. Hope everything is going as planned. Wish I could be there. Holding down the fort for you here though. Enjoy the rest of the trip. God's speed. Oh and Frank, thanks for the blog spot.